Workshop 5: Dominic Peckham's Total Vocal

Saturday 25th January, 4:45pm - 5:45pm
Kings Place / St. Pancras Room

Dominic Peckham's Total Vocal

Join Dominic as he 'lays it bare' - getting to grips with exactly what it takes to be part of an a cappella group.

Explore various technical aspects involved as you put together your a cappella team (no matter what your level), the ingredients to enhancing your individual instrument and taking your performance standards to a new level. Be ready for new rep, new ideas and some improv explosions!

"There is a freshness and vitality from Dominic which communicates to the audience, and the whole effect is vibrant"
- Making Music
"A lithe and modern Handelian who is able to get the best from his vocal forces"
- The Herald

In association with London A Cappella International Summer School

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